White House to Propose Rule to Exclude Certain Goods from de Minimis Entries

Posted by Timothy Miller on 9/16/24 5:00 PM

In a joint release published on September 13, 2024, the White House and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced a notice of proposed rulemaking to exclude goods subject to United States trade enforcement actions from de minimis eligibility and prevent circumvention of safety standards.

Executive Actions are targeting “abuse” of de minimis exceptions and will focus on the following reforms:

  • A proposed rule to increase information collection on shipments;
  • A proposed rule to exclude goods subject to United States trade enforcement actions, such as Section 301, Section 201, and Section 232 from de minimis eligibility; and
  • A final rule to prevent de minimis shipments from circumventing safety standards by requiring importers to file certificates of compliance with the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

The DHS press release can be read in full here:

The White House’s fact sheet can be found here:

Topics: De minimis, section 232, section 301

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