In a pair of annexes published to the Federal Register on February 18, 2025, the White House published lists for the aluminum and steel derivatives that will be subject to section 232 tariffs of 25%.
A total of 122 harmonized tariff codes for aluminum will be subject to section 232. The 18 tariff codes in Chapter 76 will have the total value of the product subject to the 25% tariff, while the other 104 in other chapters will only face the 25% tariff on its aluminum content.
For Steel derivatives, 155 harmonized tariff codes that are in Chapter 73 will face the full 25% section 232 duty, while 12 tariff codes in Chapter 84 and 94 will only be subject to the 25% tariff on the value of its steel content.
If the aluminum in the product is smelt and cast or if the steel is melt and poured in the United States, the section 232 tariffs would not apply on the finished good.
The Federal Register Notice for aluminum imports can be found here:
The Federal Register Notice for steel imports can be found here: