APHIS Extends Unoriginal Electronic Document Acceptance

Posted by Kelsay Calvaruso on 1/17/22 5:00 PM

On January 1, 2022, in Cargo Systems Messaging Service (CSMS) #50564724, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced that the temporary allowance of unoriginal copies of phytosanitary certificates and forms will be extended through March 31, 2022.

Beginning April 1, 2022, APHIS and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will only accept original phytosanitary certificates and forms for plant commodities. Original copies submitted through the ePhyto government-to-government sharing system will be accepted. According to the CSMS, “A paper certificate would not need to be presented for cargo clearance by U.S. officials if the certificate is an ePhyto with a proper declaration in the APHIS Core message set using the PG13/14 code AE1.”

A list of ePhyto participating countries can be found here:


CSMS #50564724 can be found here:


Topics: CBP, APHIS, Coronavirus, COVID-19

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