The United Kingdom’s (UK) Food Standards Agency issued a reminder on the requirements for importing high-risk food and feed not of European Union (EU) origin that first transits through the EU and then entering Great Britain (GB).
The requirements include:
- Direct imports of consignments of Products of Animal Origin (POAO) and High-risk Food and Feed of Non-Animal Origin (HRFNAO) from non EU-countries must be imported into GB through the designated border control post (BCP).
- POAO and HRFNAO consignments destined to Great Britain and originating from non-EU countries that travel through the EU will not have received full sanitary and phytosanitary checks within the EU; therefore, these checks must be carried out at a designated BCP in GB.
- These checks are not required if the POAO and HRFNAO from non EU- countries are destined first for an EU delivery address and those consignments are subsequently exported to GB.
The Food Standards Agency message can be found here: