NCSD Announces Webinar Schedule for June 2023

Posted by Kelsay Calvaruso on 5/9/23 5:00 PM

On May 3, 2023, in Cargo Systems Messaging Service #56135804, the National Commodity Specialist Division (NCSD) of the U.S. Office of Trade announced the schedule of commodity-specific, educational webinars for June 2023.

The topics of the webinars include:

  • June 1: A Recap of Fake Flowers, Heating Appliances, Brushes, and Headbands;
  • June 6: AD/CVD & Sec. 301 for 9403 & 9404 (Furniture, Mattresses, Pillows & Quilts); and
  • June 27: Never Screw Up Fasteners of 7318 Again!

CSMS #56135804 can be found here:

The list of trade outreach webinars can be found here:

The complete list of NCSD webinars for 2023 can be found here:

Topics: Trade, webinar, NCSD

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