Mexico Publishes Countervailing Duty Administrative Review Results on Steel Wire Rod from China

Posted by Arturo González on 9/24/21 5:00 PM

On July 22, 2021, in the Diario Oficial, Mexico’s Ministry of Economy published the beginning of an administrative review examining the validity of the countervailing duty imposed on imports of steel wire rods originating in the People’s Republic of China. While the process is underway, a countervailing duty of USD 0.49 per kilogram will remain in force. It is applicable for goods classified in statistical breakouts 7213.10.01, 7213.20.01, 7213.91.03, 7213.99.99, 7227.10.01, 7227.20.01, and 7227.90.99; and it is also applicable to imports under the Eight Rule covered in statistical breakouts 9802.00.01, 9802.00.07, 9802.00.13, 9802.00.19, and 9802.00.23. The resolution entered into force the following day of publication.

For more information, please visit:

Topics: China, Countervailing, Steel, Mexico, Duty, AD/CVD

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