On March 31, 2022, in the Diario Oficial, Mexico’s Ministry of Economy published the conclusion of an administrative review examining the validity of the countervailing duties imposed on imports of ammonium sulfate originating in the United States of America (US) and the People’s Republic of China (China). For imports into Mexico, several countervailing duties will be assessed depending on the exporter of the goods. The countervailing duties in USD will be $0.0759, $0.1619, $0.0929, and $0.1703 per kilogram for statistical breakout 3102.21.01 for goods originating in either the US or China. Imports into Mexico originating in China for statistical breakout 3105.90.99 will have countervailing duties of USD $0.0929 and $0.1703. The countervailing duties will be valid for 5 years effective October 10, 2020. The resolution entered into force the following day of publication.
For more information, please visit: https://www.dof.gob.mx/nota_detalle.php?codigo=5647635&fecha=31/03/2022