White House Implements Proclamation 9555 Regarding Nepal and AGOA

Posted by Sarah Lilly on 12/22/16 3:23 PM

White House Implements Proclamation 9555 Regarding Nepal and AGOA

In a Federal Register Notice (FRN) published on December 20, 2016 the Executive Office of the President implemented Proclamation 9555, which implements a Nepal Preference Program and authorizes the Central African Republic as an African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) beneficiary.

Under the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 (TFTEA), Nepal has now been provided, “preferential treatment for eligible articles imported directly from Nepal into the customs territory of the United States if the President determines that Nepal meets the eligibility requirements specified in…the TFTEA.” Eligible articles will be given duty-free treatment until December 31, 2025.

In 2003, the Central African Republic was removed as a beneficiary sub-Saharan African country of AGOA for not meeting or progressing on requirements stated in the Trade Act. After review, President Obama has determined that the Central African Republic is now meeting these requirements and is now eligible to be named a designated beneficiary sub-Saharan African county.

The text of the FRN can be accessed at:


Topics: Customs

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