Israeli Customs has released an alternative method of issuing a declaration of origin newly titled “Invoice Declaration.”
Israeli Customs has outlined several conditions for its use:
The document is on letterhead of the exporter or manufacturer.
The document should include the logo of the exporter or manufacturer, and identify details of the exporter or manufacturer, including the address and the date of issue of the document.
The document should be prepared and issued only by the United States manufacturer or exporter.
The document should include the title "Invoice Declaration."
The following information should appear in the rows following the title of the document:
The sales invoice number.
Date of issue of the invoice.
Where the invoice was issued.
In cases where the goods are transferred to distribution centers in the U.S. or in an intermediate country and the transaction invoice is issued by a U.S. company or a company based in the third country, the "other commercial document" should be issued by the U.S. company only. The document should specify the list of the original goods entitled to customs preference.
The "Other commercial document" should include an invoice declaration as stated in Appendix A and B to this directive, with all required details.
The Israeli Customs press release may be found here:
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection announcement may be found here: